Merci BeauCoo

It is no secret that I read a lot of blogs - I love them! Over the last few days I have seen on blogs (and on places like Twitter) a few mentions of BeauCoo - a fashion based social networking website. I read Callie's full review on the site on her From The Corners of The Curve blog and decided to sign up (Thanks Callie!)

Their twitter describes them as "Pics on someone your own size! The worlds only body positive style network, just for women" and they're not wrong! 

I think it's a great site and wanted to recommend that more people join :)

When you join you put in your own measurements (don't worry they're anonymous) and then you can see fashion based posts by people of a similar size. We all know that different outfits and styles can look different on different shapes and sizes, so now you can look for someone similar to you!

My profile page on the site!

On the site you can look for all sorts though, so you don't have to worry about being limited to just seeing people like you! 

When you have joined the site you can post up photos and put where you got them and what you thought of the outfit!

Its a great way to look at recent trends, see different people wearing them and share your own favourite outfits.

As most of you will know I am really passionate about positive body image and people feeling good in whatever they wear and whatever their size. BeauCoo seem to be passionate about the same thing - a fashion website for everyone with a positive body image angle, which is exactly why I wanted to sign up!

You can join up here - let me know if you do and I'll give you a follow!

Debz xx


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