Discovering Daxon

I love Twitter - I am constantly discovering new plus size retailers to browse, shop and lust over. You'll see at the top of this page a list of recommended plus size retailers - in fact I added 3 new retailers to the list today, so there is nearly 40 on there!

Today, I came across plus size website Daxon, who offer clothing up to a size 36, which is fantastic! What you will find with the range is that they cater to the more mature lady (their words not mine) but I thought I would blog about them anyway. Even if they don't necessarily offer clothes that I would wear (yet!) I think its fantastic that there is another option for people to shop at - so that whoever you are, you have options when it comes to buying new clothes!

The Daxon front page
What I like about their site is that they offer a whole range of different items, so whatever you are shopping for you'll be able to find it on their pages. Whether you want dresses, tops, skirts, trousers or jackets they have a wide range on their site to help ensure that they cater to everyone. There are loads of search options on their website too - so finding what you want should be easy enough!

Some of the dresses on their front page
I haven't had a chance to read up much about the site, but I wanted to blog about a page that offered something a little different.

Have you ever bought from their page? What did you think?

Debz x

P.S They have a bloggers network to connect plus size bloggers together which I think is a fantastic idea! You'll see from my side bar on the right that I have applied to be accepted as part of the network, I will let you know how I get on!

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