"Fat Girls In Bodycon Dresses Make Me Vom"

Ok... So they don't actually make me vom, but work with me on this...

I am proud of the mixture of friends that I have. I like to think that they're mostly open-minded and non-judgmental... And then every so often (and I mean very rarely) one of them says something that makes me sit back and think!

Today one of my friends had a Facebook status up that was something along the lines of "Big girls shouldn’t wear body con dresses, it makes me vom". The comments on the status went on to say that she thinks that they shouldn't even sell these dresses in that size and that because she is bigger she has a right to say it.

It will come as a surprise, but I am not one to keep my mouth shut. I absolutely disagree with her opinion and couldn’t sit back and say nothing. I wrote on there that I was a fat girl who wore these body con dresses and felt that her opinion was wrong. I understand completely if someone chooses not to wear any style of clothing, but condemning a whole group of people for wearing something just because you do not have the confidence to do so seems alien to me.

I told her that when I dressed in the morning (or the evening) I did not dress for her or anyone else. I explained to her that it was not my job to be visually pleasing to her or anyone else and that just because she didn't like that style of clothing tat doesn’t mean that others don't! And then the status got deleted.

Wear what you want and feel happy doing it!
I was all ready to come on here all guns blazing and rant about the status - but I put something on my Facebook status and 20 people liked it straight away. It made me realise that actually not everyone thinks this way and that most people are happy to let others get on with their own lives. 

I know that we all take a second glance when we see someone wearing something unique but I don't know of many people who would claim that something shouldn’t be sold to people just because they choose not to wear it themselves! It made me sad and angry, that someone would still think in this backwards way. We seem to be making leaps and bounds when it comes to plus size fashion and I absolutely feel that people should wear whatever they want to wear whatever their size. 

When you get dressed in the morning remember to wear what you want to wear. You do not dress to please other people. It is not your job to look good for other people. You were put on this planet to live your live and not be visually pleasing to people - especially strangers!

If you are someone who feels sick because of what other people wear... Ask yourself why what they have in their wardrobe or on their body affects you!

And then, like a beacon of hope I came across this video by the BEAUTIFUL Tess Munster this morning, which sums up perfectly what I wanted to say, in much less words! 

I love her and I feel that she is such an inspiration and quite frankly, if you can't see her beauty then you need your eyes testing.

Thankfully there are online campaigns such as 'Eff Your Beauty Standards' and 'Honor My Curves' which are helping to pave the way online for people to be happy in their own skin. Personally I love both of these campaigns and love reading peoples involvement in them! If you haven't come across them before, please check them out! 

How do you deal with peoples negatives comments?

Debz xx

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