Campaign To Standardise Womens Clothing Sizes

I have blogged a couple of times about the difference in clothing sizes depending on what you buy and wear you buy it from. It is OK when you get an idea of how clothing sizes run for you (ASOS are very generous, I find Yours Clothing a little small) but it is a pain! 

When I order something online, I want to know it is going to fit. I don't want to have to wait to try it on to see if it fits as it should, whether it's to baggy (ha ha) or whether I need to send it back for having it too small. I didn't realise until quite recently that there is no industry standard for clothing sizes. In essence, clothing shops can put whatever size labels they want on their clothes, there are no rules!

So imagine my excitement this afternoon when I was tweeted by the Curvacsous Collective about their campaign to standardise womens clothing sizes in the UK! I am SO excited about this and can't stress enough what a good idea I think it is. I think standardising clothing sizes would lead to so much easiness and feeling better when you are clothing shopping. I know how upsetting it can be when you don't fit into your normal clothes size and have to 'size up' - more often than not this is because of the cut/fit/size of the clothing rather than you having actually put on any weight.

I have signed the campaign and honestly think everyone else should too!

"The aim to stay within a certain size range can trigger many women to engage in behavior symptomatic of eating disorders. Whether we like it or not, women’s self-esteem and body image hinges on the size she wears. The varying sizes from different brand labels, all claiming to be the same, needs to change. Women's clothing should be sold in measurements just like men's garments. Women will be more eager to shop and purchase clothes, if sold by measurements (waist/ hips /bust size). Government of the UK, we urge you to take this small step, creating and enacting legislation standardising the size labels of women's clothing, as one step in the right direction towards happier and healthier women."

What do you think? Is this something you would like to see more of? 

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