Feeling The Blogger Love: Don't Hate, Appreciate

I know - two blogs in one morning, you lucky, lucky people!

I know I already blogged about my pretty new dress from New Look today, but when I saw Charl at Ginger Girl Says post about a blogger love-in I could not help but get involved!

You can see the original post here: http://gingergirlsays.com/life-tag-dont-hate-appreciate/

Borrowed from http://spiritwomen.blogspot.co.uk
Anyway, blogging for me is somewhat amazing - I love writing my blog but equally as much I love to read them! I love the idea of sharing blog loving - so here are my blog loves!

Charl @ Ginger Girl Says

Don't assume I am tagging this girl just because she started the Don't Hate, Appreciate post because I am writing about her because she is amazing! I have known of Charl online for what seems like a thousand years, long before the blog life we now both live! I love her blog despite our friendship because it is such a mixed bag. I love her beauty posts but I also love her rants about men, dating and even her hints and tips about fashion - love, love, love. If you're looking for a new blog to read then you should definitely check her out!

Danielle Vanier

I discovered Danielle on Twitter a while before I started to read her blog. Now I follow her Tumblr page and I am always on the look out to see if she has posted something new! What I love most about Danielle is the way she puts outfits together - not only does she always look flawless but she always wears outfits in a way that is different. With amazing, bold accessories and beautiful outfit choices, her blog is always one that is worth looking at!

Bump And Beyond / U Can't Wear That

I am going to cheat and put these two together, simply because they're my "real life" friends. They help inspire me with what to write on my blog all the time, we attend events together, get drunk together (well, we did before Leighanne got pregnant) and I love reading both of their blogs! Both of their blogs are different, but I love them equally and always look forward to their new posts. 

Why not join in with the Don't Hate, Appreciate bloggers tag, make a post with your three fave/inspirational blogs and let them know you have sent them some blogger love!

Debz xx

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