Always The Bridesmaid...

When I say 'always the bridesmaid' I actually mean 'my first ever time being a bridesmaid and it was amazing'.

Over a year ago, one of my favourite people in the whole wide world asked me to me to be bridesmaid... my first reaction (I'll be honest) was of panic... and so I declined! After all, getting a plus size bridesmaid dress is hardly a case of just popping into Bridal Dresses R U are getting one off of the shelf! Thankfully my amazing friend (Gemma for those who are wondering) saw straight through that, told me straight away she had someone who would make the dress and that she would be honoured if I would reconsider... I told her I would, and then some how - I ended up yesterday wearing the most amazing dress, tiara and sparkly silver shoes to watch her walk down the aisle!

I could talk for hours about the amazing day - the beautiful church, the vintage coats, the pretty afternoon tea cakes, the speeches, the 5ive mega mix and so much more, but I won't. Only to say that I loved every single second of being there and I was honoured to be a part of it!

In my usual vein fashion, I took lots of photos of myself yesterday and I love them. My make up was done by a make up artist on the morning and I was really happy with it! 

There is a saying that is something like 'Don't let the fear of striking out make you miss the game' and how true! I could have easily have backed out of yesterday - Every other bridesmaid was about a size 10 and know I would have stuck out like a sore thumb! Giving my measurements over to have a dress made knowing that my measurements would have been bigger the other ladies dresses could have scared me enough to quit - but it didn't and words can not say how glad I am of that! Being a bridesmaid for Gemma filled me with honour and joy and no amount of wobbles (no pun intended) about being there would have ruined that!

When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone to do something like that?


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