Plus London - What I Wore

As you will probably have seen - I attended Plus London, a London based bloggers/plus size event last weekend. Leading up to the event I wasn't entirely sure what I wanted to wear - I knew I would be out and about all day, so I wanted to make sure I was comfortable as well as looked good... After all, with so many fabulous plus size bloggers in attendance I couldn't be left behind in the style stakes!

In the end I opted for my green ASOS wrap around top, leggings and my trusty flats from Primark.

The backdrop is the back of the Hoxton Arches gallery where Plus London was held - how amazing does it look?

I had some professional photos taken on the day so I'll get those posted soon too!

Did you attend Plus London? I lusted after SO many outfits on the day, so please send me links so I can lust some more!

Debz xx

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