"Meat Is For The Man, Only A Dog Wants A Bone"... ??

I know, I have already blogged today - but something has really got my blood boiling and I have to rant somehow!

So anyway... Real Women Have Curves!

That's right isn't it? That if you're a REAL man you'll admit to being a chubby chaser, or that if you're a curvy woman you should embrace it because your body shape is real -so much more real than the size 10 girl down the road!

It all started with this post by Superdrug post (which I found via http://www.bigfashionista.co.uk/2013/11/body-shaming-by-superdrug.html)

As you can imagine - there were some choice words said against their use of this photo. It was deleted within a few hours and they apologised via Twitter the next day.

It once again got me thinking about the mantras that SO many body positive influencers use, to try and make curvy women feel better about themselves... You know the ones I mean, 'Real women have curves', 'Meat is for the man, only dogs want a bone'... I have ranted about these before and no doubt I will again.

If you believe that 'real women have curves' then please look at this photo:

I am proud to say that the gorgeous girl on the left is my little sister. I have talked about her and her weight loss before so I won't go down that route - but can you HONESTLY say that she is not a real woman?? She looks amazing - and she is kind, funny, clever and has all of the good qualities that a decent person should have. I honestly do not believe that she or I have better body types that each other (not that it is a contest  - I believe we both have good bodies and that mantras like 'real women have curves' only serve to segregate people in the fight towards a body positive world and that is the last thing we need. 

Are bones only for dogs, or is my beautiful little sister just as entitled to be loved (by the way she is!) by a man as I am... We're all good, and I really can not stress enough how much sayings like these make me cringe - especially when they're used in a way to promote positive body image.

Real Men Like Women With Curves. 

That sentence right there ^^ makes me SO angry. I saw it on a website called 'Curvy Partner' although i can't see it on their page any more, so maybe they have seen the error of their ways. 

They do have this tweet though:

Someone who finds my sister (or someone similar) attractive is no more or less real than someone who finds me (or someone similar) attractive. We're all real - even those of us who are 'bad' or make bad decisions - we're REAL! Every single bloody one of us.... 


I will never, ever understand the concept of bringing down a body type in order to make someone else feel better. I have said it many times - ALL BODIES ARE GOOD BODIES! If you are fat, or thin or like fat girls or thin girls (or boys!) that is OK! Your preference is OK and your business alone. 

You do not need to be detrimental to one body type in order to make another feel better!

I'd love to know your thoughts - Do these sayings make you feel better, or do you agree with me?

Debz xx

P.S I apologise for the rant, the anger and the swearing :)

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