Blog Fest

Last weekend I attended BlogFest 2013 - a bloggers event arranged my Mums Net. My flat mate is a mummy to be blogger and had been talking about the event for weeks, so it was good when we both managed to get tickets a few days before and attend. I was worried that as a non-parent blogger I wouldn't be able to get much out of the day event, but I have to say I was not disappointed! There are many different blogs you can read about the event, so I wanted to keep it fun and light hearted - so here is my little look at the day long event!

B  - Blendology We were all given neck chains to wear with a name tag. The great thing about these tags is that you could 'bump' with someone else and swap data. I bumped with a few people I chatted to and was able to log in and get email addresses and twitter accounts - such a lovely way to make sure you can keep in touch with people you have met!

L - Loved. I loved lots about the day, and what I would really love is to find out about an event like this that didn't have a parenting theme. Don't get me wrong, parenting blogs are ace but a general 'bloggers' even would be amazing and I would be very keen to attend.

O - Oh What An Ending. The day ended with a talk from Jo Brand - who lifted up the audiences spirit after a arguably unsuccessful talk on feminism and its place in the blogging community. I loved her talk and found it really motivating.

G - Goodie Bags. After a few glasses of bubbly we were sent on our way with an amazing good bag. Packed full of books, fizzy drinks, posh jam, Birchboxes, champagne truffles and more, I don't know anyone who was disappointed with theirs!

F - Food. Throughout the day we were given breakfast, cakes, lunch, cakes, pastries and hot drinks in abundance. Everything was thought of and it was lovely to enjoy the day without having to worry about trying to find somewhere to grab a bite to eat.

E - Education. I liked that the talks were all about educating, but I also liked that there was a chance to attend a blog clinic. This allowed you to have a sit down, one-on-one chat with a successful blogger about your blog and what you could do to help ensure its success. 

S - Sponsors. The event was sponsored by a number of larger companies - Coca Cola were on hand with bottles and cans of fizzy drink, Honda had a fun competition and even Talk Talk had a display. Lots of fun to be had by all. 

T - Talks. I have to admit I loved most of the talks that I attended. The one about social media was particularity helpful for me and I have learned a lot about social networking, scheduled tweets and my Klout Score (though I am still getting to grips with that!).

Did you go? What did you think?

Debz xx

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