A Little Bit Of Sparkle

Over the last few weeks I have been searching for Christmas dresses. Not just for me, but in general. I love summer for all of its bright colours, I am not a fan of Autumn browns and dull colours but then Christmas comes and suddenly it's all glitz, glamour and sparkle - and I love it!

I was over the moon when the team at Yours Clothing* gave me the chance to try one of their new dresses and choose this dress, simply because of the little bit of sparkle and sequins it has... I have a proper love affair going on with sequins at the moment!

Red And Black Short Sleeve Lace 2 In 1 Dress

The sparkle and sequins don't show up massively well in the photo, but I can assure you that they do look sparkly - but also not too over the top for people are worried about having TOO much sparkle (if there is such a thing!)

I wore the dress out at the weekend, to meet a group of friends for a night out. As soon as I arrived they all told me that they loved what I was wearing and that 'why hadnt I worn it before?'. None of them knew it was a gifted item and none of them would give compliments if they didn't mean it - so I knew it was a good item! You can buy the item here.

I got my usual size and found it very generous. I could easily have sized down one size, possibly two if i didnt mind it being a bit more fitted. That said, I love the size because its nice and comfy to wear and the length is good (I wore it with leggings but I oculd have gone iwthout them if it wasn't so cold).

I didn't have anyone to take my photos this weekend, so plesse excuse the mirror photos - but you'll get an idea of what it looks like.

And a little bit drunker, less posy photo... just for good measure!

The only problem with this dress? That it's available in teal which I'll need to buy too!

What sparkles do you have for this Christmas? Send me your links, I can never have enough sparkle!

Debz xx

*This was a gifted item, but all views are open, honest and completely my own!

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