Plus London - My First Proper Bloggers Event!

Last weekend I attended my first proper bloggers event - Plus London. I had heard good things about previous events and after missing out on Plus North I was really keen to attend. I have to say, the day did not disappoint. In fact I spent so much time having fun that I forgot to take too many photos - sorry!

My day started with an amazing make over by the lovely Betty Pamper - I love looking at Bettys make up style and reading her blog, so having my make up done by her was a really treat and got my day off to an amazing start!

And the finished result (which lasted right through the Plus London After Dark Party and another event until bed time at 5am!)

Throughout the day we got to chat to the PR representatives from different larger companies (Simply Be, Taking Shape and Curvissa for example) and chat to people who started up some of the smaller companies we all know and love (Twisted Siren and Black Heart Creatives)... I was also introduced to a couple of companies I hadn't come across before which was great!

We got to have our photo taken by a professional photographer (Photos coming soon!) and listen to talks by some of the brands about their loves, future plans and what they're going to be doing for us - and of course ask any questions that we might have!

The day part of the event was finished with a fantastic performance by The Diablo Daniels - who was amazing!
Then we all headed off for a few hours, before coming back for the After Dark part of the event  - with some, interesting shots on offer by the Plus London Team! We got to take fun photos with a variety of props, have a chat to everyone and have a bit of a dance - so much fun!

Apart from a couple of launches, I haven't really attended a 'proper' blogger event and I am glad I did - It was so nice to meet the people behind the blogs I read and chat to the brands properly.

Thanks to the whole Plus London team for a marvellous Saturday!

Did you attend? Send me your write up links, I'd love to read them!

Debz x

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