WIN!!! Crazy Print Mini Dress Giveaway!

Next week I turn 31 - although the less said about the better really!

To celebrate I have teamed up with a number of plus size retailers to giveaway some amazing prizes! I know... my birthday and one of you get pretty clothes, that's fair right!? Haha!

A couple of giveaways will be launched over the next couple of days, with winners being drawn on my birthday - the 23rd of September!

My first prize is for this amazing Crazy Print Midi Dress (available in sizes 18-26) kindly donated by the fabulous Topsy Curvy. Their website has loads of pretty items available up to a size 32, so they are well worth checking out!

A close up of the print

Enter the competition here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck!

Debz xx

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