Clothes To Make You Feel Be-You-Tiful

You might have guessed - I like clothes! More importantly I like wearing clothes that I am in love with. I am passionate about people looking and feeling great in the clothes that they wear... I am happiest when I find a dress I can fall in love with and wear without worrying about what I look like.

Above all else... I love positive body image! I want people to love their amazing bodies - whatever they look like. Whether they're 'media beautiful' or not, people should love the skin that they're in, feel proud of who they are and be happy with everything that they are. The world is an amazing and diverse place, why should the people who live here be any different?

One company that feel the same is Body Gossip. I have blogged about Natasha Devon and the Body Gossip project in general before, truth be told - I probably will again. I love what they stand for and the way that they work (often tirelessly) to promote self confidence and love.

When I discovered that they offered a range of t-shirts to help promote the self love message I was over the moon. The t shirts are amazing and I'd love to own one. Sadly at the moment they only go to a size 22 (to small for me... boooo) but I have asked them and been told this is down to budget than ruling anyone out! You can be sure that if they ever expand their range to large sizes I will be first in line to grab one!

Here are some of my favourite shirts that they have.

You can get yours from

Which one would you buy?

Debz xx

Of course my love for the Be-You-Tiful t-shirt has nothing to do with the fact it matches my tattoo ;)

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