Pushing The Fatshion Boundaries Every Day!

I bet, if you look in your wardrobe it is mainly made up of the same style of clothes. Whether you like to wear mainly black, or jeans and a top is your thing your wardrobe will (in most cases) be dominated by one type of clothing. For me, it is leggings and pretty dresses - I love them! I have learned how to make them work for me and now I am running with it! (So to speak, no actual running!)

However, it shouldn't always be like that! I learnt this weekend that trying new things often means you discover new items that you like & new ways to wear clothes!

Last week I saw this dress on the ASOS Curve website

ASOS CURVE Denim Pinafore Dress In Dark Vintage Wash
Anyway, I loved the dress and I saw plenty of people on Instagram and Twitter wearing it. However as it was out of my comfort zone, I couldn't picture wearing it myself!

This weekend my friend (Lucia from U Cant Wear That) and I went out and she was wearing the dress! When we came back to my house, I demanded that she let me try the dress on!

Even though its a bad picture and even though I am wearing it OVER an existing dress I love the way it looks! So much so, that I really want to get one for myself! 
The dress is here if you want it.

While out and about I also eyed up a leather jacket that I really liked the look of in New Look Inspire. I don't wear jackets... ever! I haven't owned a coat in years... I just don't like them! But this jacket jumped out at me and I really, really liked it! I tried it on and I am in love! (It's a size too small but they didn't have my size in store - I am ordering it online today!). It's here if you want it!

So - there you have it. Not only a weekend of amazing company, Mexican food, vodka and the cinema but a learning curve & two completely new style items to add to my wardrobe - good times all round!

When was the last time you pushed the boundaries with clothes that you wear?

Debz x

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