Size 16 Mannequins? A Big Fat Yes From Me!

Over recent years there have been rumours and viral photos claiming that stores have/are going to introduce plus size mannequins. Of course when I say plus size, I actually mean a size 16 - which is the UK average, so not very 'plus' at all when you consider it, but that's another argument!

It wasn't until I logged onto Facebook this morning and saw Body Gossips post about Natasha Devon's debate on BBC Ulster Radio yesterday that I realised there is a real chance of it becoming a reality.

You can listen to the debate here: (starts from about 1 hour 9 minutes in)

In an interview with the Sunday Times Equalities Minister Jo Swinson has spoken up about her feelings and the need to have size 16 mannequins in stores.

She told The Sunday Times: "The images we see in the world of fashion are all pretty much the same — it’s as if there’s only one way of being beautiful.”

A Facebook image which has gone viral of a store using a plus size mannequin

Evans actually already use size 16 mannequins where as Topshop and Miss Selfridges use size 10. Wallis and Dorothy Perkins seem to fall in the middle with mannequins sized around a 10-12. 

However when you consider that in the past decade the average dress size of a UK female has gone up to a size 16, from a size 12 it is easy to see why size 10 mannequins just don't do the job.

Natasha Devon makes a good point in that it shouldn't just be plus size mannequins that we see in our shops. Instead they should be a range of diverse mannequins to reflect the range of bodies that shop on the UK high street.

When you think about it - why don't we have tall mannequins short ones? Why not have fat and thin mannequins? Big breasted and flat chested? That way, whoever is shopping in the stores has a better chance of seeing what the clothes look like on a mannequin that resembles their body.

If we are spending our hard earned cash on clothes why shouldn't we get a better idea of how they'll look on our frame before we part with our money?

I'd love to know what you think

Debz xx

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