Will Yours Be My Valentine?

Last week, Yours Clothing offered me the chance to choose myself a dress for Valentines Day, which of course I was over the moon about - I really love what Yours Clothing are offering up at the minute.

That said, the eternal spinster in me thought what is the point? Last year I went to France for the day with a friend to 'celebrate' Valentines which was lovely. This year, I have Club Indulge's Valentines party to attend on the Saturday night which I am looking forward to.

I chose this dress because I love it - but also because I wanted to show you that fashion can be affordable. It is all well and good being sent items to review, but I know sometimes the purse strings just won't stretch as far as you would like them to! This dress is currently only £15.00 in the Yours Sale - which is a complete bargain!

In fact, they have loads of dresses for £15.00 at the moment - loads of them perfect for a Valentines Day night out!

Back to the dress I chose - the  Black Dress With Silver Glittery Damask Print To Top is lovely. I found it a very generous fit and could easily have downsized, but I was worried about losing too much on the length. That said, the dress would look lovely with leggings or tights, so all would not be lost if it did come up a little shorter on you.

The silver doesn't show up as well as it could do in the picture, its much more striking in real life! When I wear this out properly I am going to dress it up with loads of sparkly jewellery, I'll make sure I share a pic afterwards!

Have you bought anything from Yours Clothing lately?

If you haven't used Yours Clothing before then you can use the code 'blogger6' to get £10 off of a £20 spend. New customers only but what better excuse do you need to give them a try?

Debz xx

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I was lucky enough to be gifted some items in this post and I am very greatful, but I am always open and honest in my reviews!


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