#OMCZ 26 - Looking Back

It's that time again - Outside My Comfort Zone Blog Challenge

I have to say, I really love these posts. Being pushed to write something (in a good way) is a way of making sure I always have something new to write about.

This weeks challenge is called Looking back. Steph chose the theme, with the idea of looking back over the past year (that's how long the challenge has been going) and how we have changed. Although I have only been doing the challenging a few weeks, I had a think about the last 12 months and I don't think I have changed that much - but there is a reason for that.

I moved to London (from Lancashire) almost 2 years ago. When I moved here I didn't own a dress! I know, it's crazy to think that when you look at my blog now! Back then I was definitely a jeans and jumper/t-shirt/tunic top girl. I think I was one of those girls that assumed Evans was my only option, so I had to stick with what I knew. I was always pretty confident, but the way I dress has definitely changed. I have around 50 dresses in my wardrobe now, and I couldn't tell you the last time I wore jeans! So, maybe my change hasn't come in the past 12 months but my fashion and dress style has most definitely changed - and I love it!

I don't have many more older photos, especially not full length ones so I can't do much more of a comparison. What I will say is that now I feel more comfortable and at home in dresses than anything else. When I first started wearing them I felt 'silly' and self-conscious. It's all about stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new - the more you try it, the more in your new comfort zone you will feel.

Do you think your dress style has changed over the years?

Debz xx

If you liked what you read & want to keep up to date with future posts... You can do so here:
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Don't forget to check out the other ladies taking part

NameBlog Address
Stephanie http://www.seeingspots.co.uk/
Becky Brownhttp://www.doesmyblogmakemelookfat.com
Mary http://www.marysbigcloset.blogspot.pt
Becca http://thegirlwiththeplait.blogspot.co.uk/
Leah  www.justmeleah.co.uk
Sam http://fattyboomtatty.blogspot.co.uk/ 

Fashion World and Claire Richards Tea Party

Firstly I am soooooo excited to be announcing this competition! It's a quicky, sorry for the short notice - but I think you'll agree it's worth it!!

Have you ever wanted to attend a 'bloggers event'? Now is your chance! The lovely people at Fashion World have invited me to a tea party to celebrate their new collection, but sadly I can't make it! I'd love to give you the chance to attend... so get entering! 

Now you and a friend, could be at the next Fashion World bloggers event happening THIS WEEK! Whether you're a blogger or not, enter for your chance to win!!

You're invited to a tea party hosted by Fashion World and Claire Richards, with manicures, Claire’s SS14 collection and the fabulous Hilary Alexander in conversation with Claire. It takes part between 4pm and 7pm on Thursday 13th, it's a 'drop-in session' so pop in whenever you are free during that time... Exciting eh?

If you win, you'll get the chance to attend the tea party on Thursday evening. Winners are chosen on Wednesday night(after midnight) and I'll email you the event address. The party is being held in Central London. This competition is just for entrance to the event, you'll have to sort out your own accommodation and travel if needed.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Afterwards I'll feature you on my blog - so take lots of photos of the event, I am really nosey!

It's easy to enter, so what are you waiting for?


Debz xx

Don't forget you can find Fashion World online!

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No Body Shame Campaign

Have you seen any of the 'Fat Girl Dancing...' videos? I came across them last week and I loved them!!

I looked into them in a little more detail and discovered the lady in them is a radio producer called Whitney Way. Thanks to the fantastic feedback she has received from the videos (you NEED to watch them on YouTube, she's done loads of them and they're brilliant) she has launched the 'No Body Shame Campaign. As yet she the details are new - I think she had no idea how big the idea would grow - and boy it's growing!

As you probably know, I love anything to do with body positivity and body image so I had blog. I will definitley be following this campaign to see how it grows. I have loved seeing it take off on Facebook, it's pretty exciting!

She's asking people  to send in selfie photos to promote the campaign, so OF COURSE I had to be involved!

Make sure you check it out & get involved if you want to!



Do know of any body positive influencers I am missing? Let me know

Debz xx

Plus London Market

Back at the beginning of January I attended the first Plus London Plus Size Market. Unfortunately I was having such a good time that I forgot to take photos... but with bargain pretty dresses and home made cake for sale, I was well and truly in my element!

I wanted to share with you one bargain which I picked up - this dress from the lovely Coco Curve for the bargain price of £5... What a steal!

The dress is lovely and stretchy which makes it a great fit. For me, it just goes it show that these markets are well worth attending - because you never know what you're going to be able to pick up!

Have you ever gotten anything from a market like this?



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Where's Wally?

When Lucia from U Can't Wear That told me she was going clothes shopping in Primark, I had to do a double take. I know, I talk about igoring clothes sizes but it is still something I am trying to educate myself in. Lucia is a similar size to myself, so if she could fit into Primark, I wanted a piece!

I had a browse and couldn't resist this funky Where's Wally? t-shirt. It was a bargain price of £6 and it had to be mine!

I was worried about the length of the top, but I just chucked it on over a basic red new look skater dress - problem solved! This top is a size 20 (which I am not) so it just goes to show that you have to mess around with sizes & see what fits you - ignore the labels!!

Have you picked up any Primark bargains?

Debz xx

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A Dress for 99p? Surely Not!

I have often heard about these 99p dresses, 1 pence pairs of shoes etc. but assumed that they were purely marketing gimmicks were actually no one ever got such a bargain.

I was quite excited this afternoon when I read that Yours Clothing had a range of 99p dresses on sale! I approached the website with caution, not wanting to get my hopes surely. Surely nothing that pretty could be less than the price of a double cheeseburger?


When I got to the site - I was greeted by this beauty of a homepage!

I quickly clicked through and I am proud to say I have the polka beauty of a dress coming at me!!

I had to pay £3.99 postage (you can do £2 click and collect) but still... this lovely polka dot dress for the grand total of £4.98 - BARGAIN!

You can only buy one dress... But I have no idea if its a limited offer or an on-going thing! I'd still get one snapped up pretty quickly if you want one!

Did you manage to snap one up?

Which one?

Debz xx

If you haven't used Yours Clothing before then you can use the code 'blogger6' to get £10 off of a £20 spend. New customers only but what better excuse do you need to give them a try?

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Aztec Dress & A New Leggings Company

Just after Christmas I managed to snap up this dress in the New Look Inspire sale. It's a bit small for me, but I don't mind a cosy fit so its all good. I don't have any aztec type print dresses and I think it was about £12 in the Christmas Sale, so you can't go far wrong really!

I teamed it up with leggings from Big Bloomers Company.

Last week The Big Bloomers Company contacted me about reviewing their products - their website is amazing and they offer all sorts of items up to a size 8XL. I chose their smallest size of leggings which were still a little too big for me - but how fantastic to have options for larger ladies. I have to say the quality of the leggings is fantastic and I'll definitely wear them with boots (so you cant notice that they're too long ha ha) and I would have no hesitation in recommending them.

What did you manage to snag in the January sales?

Debz x

If you liked what you read & want to keep up to date with future posts... You can do so here:

I was lucky enough to be gifted some items in this post and I am very greatful, but I am always open and honest in my reviews!

Claire Richards At Fashion World *Updated*

I have lusted over the Claire Richards range at Fashion World for ages now, but never got around to trying anything. I am lucky enough to say that they contacted me last week to see if I would like to try one of the dresses from the new range. I have to say the new range is fabulous and it was hard for me to choose.

As I was allowed to review something, I thought I would go out of my comfort zone and choose something that I wouldn't usually buy - and I am so glad that I did. I choose the lace dress which Claire herself models on the front page and I am so glad that I did. See the dress here.

**Updated with some better photos**

.I love the length of the dress, which for me means that it is perfect to wear without leggings. I can't wait to dress this up properly with sparkly accessories and shoes. My wardrobe is definitely missing some proper 'occasion' wear and this dress fills the gap perfectly - well done Claire!

The dress is available up to a size 32 and will set you back £85 - but for me, it would be well worth the investment!

Have you bought anything from the Claire Richards range yet?


If you liked what you read & want to keep up to date with future posts... You can do so here:

I was lucky enough to be gifted some items in this post and I am very greatful, but I am always open and honest in my reviews!

Fat Girls Shouldn't Wear Stripes

I know, I know - fat girls shouldn't wear stripes! I hear so many rules about what we should and shouldn't wear that sometimes it makes me dizzy. Thankfully I don;t listen because I love this outfit! I love it even more because I picked up the jumper from ChatterMonkey at the Plus London Plus Size Market for a steal at just 50p!

It's an Forever 21 item and I was initially worried about the length - I hate it when you get that gap between your trousers and top. So, to get over that problem I simply wore it over an ASOS grey skater dress - problem solved!

I just wore this outfit while playing dress up in my bedroom (as you do!), I can't wait to wear it out properly!

Do you like to break fashion rules?

Debz xx

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Will Yours Be My Valentine?

Last week, Yours Clothing offered me the chance to choose myself a dress for Valentines Day, which of course I was over the moon about - I really love what Yours Clothing are offering up at the minute.

That said, the eternal spinster in me thought what is the point? Last year I went to France for the day with a friend to 'celebrate' Valentines which was lovely. This year, I have Club Indulge's Valentines party to attend on the Saturday night which I am looking forward to.

I chose this dress because I love it - but also because I wanted to show you that fashion can be affordable. It is all well and good being sent items to review, but I know sometimes the purse strings just won't stretch as far as you would like them to! This dress is currently only £15.00 in the Yours Sale - which is a complete bargain!

In fact, they have loads of dresses for £15.00 at the moment - loads of them perfect for a Valentines Day night out!

Back to the dress I chose - the  Black Dress With Silver Glittery Damask Print To Top is lovely. I found it a very generous fit and could easily have downsized, but I was worried about losing too much on the length. That said, the dress would look lovely with leggings or tights, so all would not be lost if it did come up a little shorter on you.

The silver doesn't show up as well as it could do in the picture, its much more striking in real life! When I wear this out properly I am going to dress it up with loads of sparkly jewellery, I'll make sure I share a pic afterwards!

Have you bought anything from Yours Clothing lately?

If you haven't used Yours Clothing before then you can use the code 'blogger6' to get £10 off of a £20 spend. New customers only but what better excuse do you need to give them a try?

Debz xx

If you liked what you read & want to keep up to date with future posts... You can do so here:
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I was lucky enough to be gifted some items in this post and I am very greatful, but I am always open and honest in my reviews!

You Don't Weigh 8 Stone, You Weigh One Cheryl Cole

Did you know that Cheryl Cole weights 8 stone? Me either - Not until I read an article in the Daily Mail today about new scales soon to be on sale by Superdrug. Did you care that she weighed 8 stone? No, me either. You can read the article here.

In fact, I wonder how Superdrug even know that Cheryl weighs 8 stone exactly - because as a celebrity she is obviously a super human whose weight doesn't fluctuate like the rest of us!

I'm using Cheryl as an example, but actually lots more "lucky" celebrities have been chosen by these new scales. Now, when you step on scales you can be told which celebrity you weigh the same as (or which two celebrities you are in between) rather than an actual figure that you can work with. 

A whole new weight game: Forget pounds, stones and kilos, you can now weight yourself in comparison to celebrities

Cheryl Cole - 8st
Kate Middleton - 8st 6lb
Jessica Ennis - 8st 9lb
Ellie Goulding - 9st
Beyonce - 9st 4lb
Rihanna - 9st 7lb
Christina Hendricks - 11st
Khloe Kardashian - 12st 1lb
Adele - 14st
Queen Latifa - 14st
Gemma Collins - 16st
Melissa McCarthy - estimate 18st

How on earth they know that Rihanna weighs exactly 9st 7lb is beyond me, but apparently they do!

There are so  many weighs that I am disappointed in these scales, but probably none more so than Superdrug ENCOURAGING women to compare their bodies to others. Body positivity groups have worked hard to teach people that they are individual. 

What happens when a celebrity gains weight, loses weight, gets pregnant... bodies change! Are Superdrug going to reissue these scales every time one of their chosen celebrities change weight?

It is a tough world out there and learning not to compare yourself to other people around you is tough, but it is an amazing feeling when you get there! We already have a media that teaches us celebrity bodies are attainable by everyone & that we should look like something that stepped out of Vogue magazine. Now we have scales that tell us we're not GOOD ENOUGH to be like our favourite celebrity... 

Do you weigh Beyonce? Now you can emulate your favourite A-listers via these scales

Sure you can dress like Beyonce or copy Ellie Goulding's style, but unless this magical Superdrug scale tells you that you weigh the same as her then you'll never good enough - what a silly, bizarre idea!

I say - #BoycottSuperdrug - who's in?

Or perhaps you love the scales? I'd love to hear all your opinions!

Debz xx

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Sorry this post went horribly wrong.

Sorry this post went horribly wrong. Click here to read the correct one!


7 Weeks To See London

Ideally I wanted to call this blog "7 Weeks Until I Leave London, I Haven't Seen Enough While Being Here So Now I Am Going To Do One New Thing A Week (On A Budget) Until I Leave" but that just wasn't catchy enough.

If you follow me on any social networking sites then you may have read that I am soon to be moving back up north. I have lived in London for the last 2 years and loved every minute of it. 

Since living here I have started blogging, gone on a Eurostar train, watched a West End play, had more drunken nights than I can care to remember, got lost on numerous journeys, made new friends for life, found myself, got ridiculously sunburnt, found a love of pretty dresses, worn a 'knob' dress,  visited ASOS headquarters, eaten dinner at the Hilton Hotel, played proper bingo for the first time, been on TV and so much more.. What's not to love? Now, in 7 weeks I get to move back to be with my family, who I miss always when I am not there! Exciting!!!!

As much as I have done some pretty exciting stuff in London, I don't feel I have done enough - can you ever do enough? 

So, for the next 7 weeks I have set myself a challenge. I want to do one fun, interesting, different thing each week between now and when I leave. On top of that, I am going to do that on a budget! 

I'll choose a pretty dress to wear, maybe drag a friend along with me and blog about the whole thing - because that's how I roll! I might even do more than one thing in a week, because there is just so much to do! But at least one thing a week, to add to the amazing memories I already have of this beautiful city.

That said, you don't get rid of me that easily and I plan to come back to London often... woop!

If you have any recommendations of quirky, cheap, fun things to do in London, send them my way!!

Debz xx

If you liked what you read & want to keep up to date with future posts... You can do so here:

Outside My Comfort Zone - Accessories

This weeks Outside My Comfort Zone post is about accessories and I could not be happier! If I am out and about, you'll rarely see me without a massive necklace on or big hoop earrings. I think what I love about accessories is that they are so cheap, so you can afford to treat yourself to a nice little bit of sparkle, even if you can't afford a new dress.

I decided to have a look through some of my pics, to see what sort of accessories I have worn over the last year... and this is what I came up with!


I actually don't need to wear glasses myself, but I actually love wearing them. I keep meaning to invest in some 'geek'glasses to wear for fun without an outfit, but havent yet been brave enough! All of these glasses belong to friends, who are kind enough to let me try them on what I fancy it!


I have far more necklaces than a girl needs - but I honestly do love them! I like to pick up bargains from Primark and eBay and getting unique pieces from places like Black Heart Creatives. All of these necklaces are different lengths, which means I always have an appropriate piece to wear with an outfit.

I also love to wear big ear-rings and the occasional scarf. I love how a little accessory can change the way an outfit looks! You'll probably all nnotice that I have a bit of a love affair with wearing belts with my dresses too!

What accessories do you like to wear?



If you liked what you read & want to keep up to date with future posts... You can do so here:
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Don't forget to check out the other lovely ladies taking part in this challenge!

NameBlog Address
Stephanie http://www.seeingspots.co.uk/
Becky Brownhttp://www.doesmyblogmakemelookfat.com
Mary http://www.marysbigcloset.blogspot.pt
Becca http://thegirlwiththeplait.blogspot.co.uk/
Leah  www.justmeleah.co.uk
Sam http://fattyboomtatty.blogspot.co.uk/ 

Guest Post: Everything 5 Pounds

This week I was asked to do a guest post for Everything 5 Pounds. I haven't tried the online store myself yet, but I have to admit to being pretty impressed with the range of plus size stuff they have on offer! I choose a few items that I liked most on the site and wrote a few words about them and about plus size shopping in general!

Click here to read the blog

What I'd like to know is - have you ever shopped at one of these budget online stores? If you have, what did you think? If you haven't, would you?


Debz x

If you liked what you read & want to keep up to date with future posts... You can do so here:

Different Strokes For Different Folks

One thing I love about reading blogs is seeing how different people choose to style different outfits. I thought I would put together a few different examples as I find it fascinating to see. It's interesting to me to see how different dresses can look so different on ladies of vary heights, sizes, body shapes and different styles.

The Infamous Pink Clove Skater Dress

L-R - Me, Sarah from http://plussizeproud.wordpress.com/, Nikki from http://www.nattynikki.com/, Caroline from http://www.curvywordy.com/

The Simply Be Mermaid Dress

L-R Me, Rachel from http://www.adressisforlife.com/, Betty from http://pamperandcurves.blogspot.co.uk/

Red Lace New Look Dress

L-R Me, Mookie from muki7x7.blogspot.co.uk, Leah from http://www.justmeleah.co.uk/

I love that all of these dress look different on different ladies, even if they're styled the same! It just goes to show that you never know how a dress is going to look until you try it on - so get out there, be brave and try something new!

I'd love to expand on this feature in the future - Have you got a photo of you in a dress I have? I'd love to see and if possible share it with my readers! 


Debz x

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