Aztec Dress & A New Leggings Company

Just after Christmas I managed to snap up this dress in the New Look Inspire sale. It's a bit small for me, but I don't mind a cosy fit so its all good. I don't have any aztec type print dresses and I think it was about £12 in the Christmas Sale, so you can't go far wrong really!

I teamed it up with leggings from Big Bloomers Company.

Last week The Big Bloomers Company contacted me about reviewing their products - their website is amazing and they offer all sorts of items up to a size 8XL. I chose their smallest size of leggings which were still a little too big for me - but how fantastic to have options for larger ladies. I have to say the quality of the leggings is fantastic and I'll definitely wear them with boots (so you cant notice that they're too long ha ha) and I would have no hesitation in recommending them.

What did you manage to snag in the January sales?

Debz x

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I was lucky enough to be gifted some items in this post and I am very greatful, but I am always open and honest in my reviews!


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