#OMCZ 26 - Looking Back

It's that time again - Outside My Comfort Zone Blog Challenge

I have to say, I really love these posts. Being pushed to write something (in a good way) is a way of making sure I always have something new to write about.

This weeks challenge is called Looking back. Steph chose the theme, with the idea of looking back over the past year (that's how long the challenge has been going) and how we have changed. Although I have only been doing the challenging a few weeks, I had a think about the last 12 months and I don't think I have changed that much - but there is a reason for that.

I moved to London (from Lancashire) almost 2 years ago. When I moved here I didn't own a dress! I know, it's crazy to think that when you look at my blog now! Back then I was definitely a jeans and jumper/t-shirt/tunic top girl. I think I was one of those girls that assumed Evans was my only option, so I had to stick with what I knew. I was always pretty confident, but the way I dress has definitely changed. I have around 50 dresses in my wardrobe now, and I couldn't tell you the last time I wore jeans! So, maybe my change hasn't come in the past 12 months but my fashion and dress style has most definitely changed - and I love it!

I don't have many more older photos, especially not full length ones so I can't do much more of a comparison. What I will say is that now I feel more comfortable and at home in dresses than anything else. When I first started wearing them I felt 'silly' and self-conscious. It's all about stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new - the more you try it, the more in your new comfort zone you will feel.

Do you think your dress style has changed over the years?

Debz xx

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Don't forget to check out the other ladies taking part

NameBlog Address
Stephanie http://www.seeingspots.co.uk/
Becky Brownhttp://www.doesmyblogmakemelookfat.com
Mary http://www.marysbigcloset.blogspot.pt
Becca http://thegirlwiththeplait.blogspot.co.uk/
Leah  www.justmeleah.co.uk
Sam http://fattyboomtatty.blogspot.co.uk/ 


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