Dear Now Magazine

It any suprise you to know that some of your readers are fat - their bodies are also normal! 

I was surprised (although may I should not have been) to see your current front page - note I saw it online, I have not parted with my hard earned money to be told by you that MY body is NOT normal.

I find it sad that in this day and age you still feel that it is OK to call bigger bodies abnormal! That if you have the audascity to be bigger than average then a magazine can tell you that you are not normal!

Please tell me - which part of my body do you feel is NOT normal? I get it - I am over weight, I am fat, I am cuddly, plus size - whatever term you want to use that makes you feel comfortable with me and my body. I don't even really care if you feel that people 'like me' should lose weight (that's a whole new issue altogether) but how on Earth you can suggest that any body types are not normal is flabbergasting to me...

Is my body really THAT shocking!?

I'd love to know what other people think of this!


P.S Thanks to Body Gossip for the image I borrowed!

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