OMCZ - Week 21 - Emulate Another Blogger's Style

There are so many bloggers style that I love, but would not usually wear. I don't think this is a bad thing, we all have our style and it is important to dress however you feel happy and comfortable - which is always the main thing! That said, when I saw this weeks Outsize My Comfort Zone post, I had to think about who I would want to dress as! My biggest fear was doing it badly and offending a blogger that I love, which obviously I don't want to do!

Challenge: "Emulate Another Blogger's Style"

Rebecca wrote:

"I know it's best sometimes to keep things simple, but I've recently been thinking about how fun it would be to emulate another blogger's style that is very much so out of our comfort zone. It could be a blogger within or outside of the the OMCZ group, but I know there are plenty of bloggers out there whose style I love but have not dared to wear."

So - Instead I choose to pick a style that a number of bloggers choose - VINTAGE! I love, love, love the like of Tess Munster and George at Fuller Figure Fuller Bust and the style that they dress in. I love the thought of tea dresses, vintage clothing and everything that comes with it! I dug deep into the bottom of wardrobe and found this dress that was given to me a few years ago, that I have never worn!

I actually love how this dress looks on me, though it may be a little long - now I just need somewhere as an excuse to wear it! Vintage tea party anyone?

Please check out the other ladies taking part in the Outside My Comfort Zone blog challenge:

Stephanie  -
Leah -
Mary -
Becky Brown -
Rachel  -
Natalie -
Nikki -
Rebs -
Verena -
Beka  -
Rebecca -
Hollie - Http://
Sabina -
Betty -
Katt -
Mookie -
Erin -

Debz xx

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