Definition of Size Art Fundraiser

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago an art fundraiser being organised by Plus Confidence owner, Anita Bellamy. You can read that post here.

I attended it at the weekend - and wanted to let you all know what a great time I had. I didn't take many photos at the event because I figured blogs would be saturated by those! We were respectfully asked not to photograph the art, so you'll have to attend a future event if you want to see those!

Me and the lady herself

The exhibition was to showcase the first photos as part of Anita's Definition of Size project. She wants to make glamourous, sexy, media-savvy images available to the media - much like they are, but of ladies that are size 16 and above. 

When I spoke to her at the event she told that she this was just a snapshot of what she wanted to do - the lady has big visions! What I loved about the event was seeing some friendly faces and some new faces all getting on, chatting, laughing and more in this amazingly positive environment. That could be down to the free-flowing-wine that Anita arranged, but I hope it was more to do with the people that attended - and all wanted to get the same out of the event - positivity!

Me and Brick City
I got to see Brick City perform, chat to Anita about her project and won a dress and some jewellery in the raffle - so, you could say I had a pretty successful day! You could also have some henna art on your hands, a facial and your photo taken by professional photographers, she thought of everything!

Me and some of the lovely ladies at the event
This was just a very small part of her bigger vision and when I spoke to her yesterday, she seems to have lots planned for 2014, so I can't wait to see what comes of it!

Did you attend? Come say hey!

Debz xx

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