Being A Dryathlete in January

I don't do enough for charity and I would like to do more! One of my friends mentioned a 'Dryathlon' event in January, where you give up alcohol for the month in order to raise money for Cancer Research! So... I thought I would join in! My lovely friend Lucia at has joined in too - January is going to be a FUN month!

I know you'll all be thinking that this is a really easy feat for me, because of how little I drink ;) but anyway if you can spare even £1 that would be amazing!

I am 'oop North for two weeks over Christmas, seeing lots of people that I don't see enough of! Therefore I am going to start my Dryathlon on the 5th January when all my parties are done & dusted with - I will be doing it until the 5th February though, so still a full month!


Debz xx


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