These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things

Even though I love writing my blog and creating this BBW blog for you all to read, I really enjoy reading other peoples too! I think when it comes to fashion and people looking individual the online community has helped pave the way massively. I follow a range of blogs which reflect my interests so they're not all 'plus size' writers. That said I think the recent Blogger partnerships with plus size retailers goes to show how much 'fatshion' has come on thanks to the blogging community. 

For me reading blogs has helped in many ways - when I was younger it helped me to see that I wasn't the only fat girl who wanted to dress nice and now it allows me to be nosey into people’s lives and get hints and tips on where to shop and what to wear. Really important if you ask me!

If you have any blog recommendations (including your own) I would love to read them!

For now, I would love to give a little shout out to my 'blog-spirations', so that you can check them out!


Ginger Girl Says

I have known Charl for very many years, although how we met is probably best left unsaid! Mainly because she is much cooler now and I wouldn't want to ruin her reputation. I love Charls blog because for me it is a great mix of beauty and lifestyle. Her writing style keeps me gripped and the layout of her blog makes it easy to read & keep track of. I really love reading her opinions on dating & what is going on in her (and her puppy Ted's) life... Definitely worth a read!

Diamonds And Pearls

There are many 'plus size' fashion blogs that you can read but for me, Naomi from Diamonds and Pearls hits the nail right on the head. I am not sure if it’s because she always has great photos to show the products she’s reviewing or if it’s because she is a similar size to me, but I can always relate to what she is reviewing/saying and for me that makes the blog well worth reading. Naomi is fantastic at piecing together outfits and styles so if you're interested in fashion and looking for new inspiration then give her blog a read!

U Can't Wear That

U Can't Wear That is a brand new blog but already I can see it growing into something amazing. Lucia from U Can't Wear That is not afraid to push fashion boundaries and show people that you can wear whatever you want, whatever your size. I like her no nonsense approach to wearing what she wants and personally always look forward to what she is going to write about next.

From The Corners Of The Curve

I think what I most like about From The Corners Of The Curve is the honesty in Callie's writing. Like any normal girl she has ups and downs and she isn't afraid to say on her blog when something isn’t right for her. That said, her blog is full of positivity (or latest swimwear post is great) and it is a fantastic way to read up on all sorts of topics including plus size fashion - well worth checking out!

I am sure there are plenty more blogs out there which are amazing and 'do the job', I know I read plenty of them. However these are the ladies that spring to mind when I think of the blogs that have given me the most inspiration.

Any blog recommendations? I'd love to know!


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