Body Gossip Flash Mob - I'll Be There, Will You?

I have always wanted to go to a flash mob... the nearest I have been is watching one as I walked through St. Pancras train station once, but it isn't enough!

Then I heard that Body Gossip are holding a flash mob tomorrow in London and I know I had to be there! The Body Gossip team are fantastic for promoting body acceptance and positivity and as you all know by now, Natasha Devon is a bit of a hero of mine :)

So... On 28th June, we’re gathering outside the Southbank Centre (riverside) in London.

We’ll give each person who attends a large paper heart and ask them to write something they LOVE about their body on the heart.

At 1pm, everyone to hold up their heart for 3 minutes

I'll be there... Will you?

I haven’t been to anything like before, I am really excited to see what it’s like! I’ll try and get some photos and write up what it was like. Now I just need to decide what to wear!

If you were (or are) going; what would you write on your paper heart?

The team are working on this being an online flash mob too. See their page for all the details on how to be involved!

Debz xx


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