Dress Sizes Are Pants.

(Warning, this posts contains big pants (although not me wearing them), do not read on if you don't want to see photos of big knickers!)

If you have any interest in plus size fashion (or indeed 'normal' fashion for want of a better word) then you have probably read all sorts of theories and opinions on dress sizes. We all know that dress sizes are how we decide what to pick up off of a rail in a shop - but exactly what use are they?

I learnt a few weeks ago that there is no set rules for dress sizes. You would assume that there would be some kind of industry standard when it comes to dress sizes and the measurement that each dress size must be, but actually there is nothing! I don't just mean when it comes to plus size, or bigger sizes I mean in general - there is nothing to say that a certain size of dress should match a certain industry standard of measurement.

Breaking The Mould

For ages now I have been told by my fellow fatties to ignore clothes sizes and just go with what fits but I'll be honest, that has always been something I struggled with. When looking on clothing rails or websites I always assumed that if they didn't have 'my size' then there was no point parting with my hard earned cash. However the truth is that there is no such thing as 'my size' because the sizes from store to store and even cut of dress varies so massively.

Last week I was told by a friend that she wears Primark knickers... now, as this friend and I are similar sizes and I know that Primark generally go up to a size 20 in underwear I wasn't sure whether to believe her claims! However she insisted that their stretchy underwear made the perfect fit.

For £1.70 a pair I couldn't resist trying and today went on an underwear shopping spree.

Anyone who knows me, knows I love colour and so these knickers were right up my street (I also came away with some rainbow socks, but the less said about them the better).

All of these are in an 18-20 (They might come in a 20-22 I'm not sure, they didn't have any in the Primark I visited) and they all fit! Now, you have probably guessed I am quite a bit bigger than a size 18. But these knickers fit perfectly and their patterns are fun and exciting, just what you want from fun underwear like this! 

So.... Lesson learnt from me for sure!! It is much harder with online shopping but when you are out and about and can feel the clothes give them a stretch, hold them up to your body and see how they will fit you... The labels mean nothing, if it fits it fits! Online shopping is harder but read blogger reviews and trial and error will soon have your wardrobe bursting with clothes in an array of sizes!

Have a great weekend

Debz xx


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