A Weekend Of Indulgence

Yesterday, I attended the first Indulge Pop Up Plus Size Market in Kentish Town. The idea is that people get together to swap clothes, buy each others unwanted clothes and grab a bit of a bargain in the process - after all, one mans trash is another mans treasure.

It was the first event of this type but it was a fun afternoon - a few people even came in off the street to have a browse. I believe the next one is due to be on the last Saturday in August so if you can make it I would definitely recommend it! 

Keep an eye on the Club Indulge Facebook for details and dates :) 

While I was there, I had my beady eye on a lovely pink sparkly dress that fellow blogger Lucia from U Can't Wear That was selling. 

The coral shade, popcorn knit dress with all of its sequins caught my eye straight away! In the end I swapped it for a flower skirt that I no longer wanted - so we were both happy! 

After a quick disco nap at home I then hot footed it back across town to attend the 3rd Club Indulge club night. As 'BBW nights' go, I think people know I have very mixed feelings, but I always have a good time at Indulge. With an upstairs bar where we could sit and chat and a basement dancefloor it has everything you could hope for from a night out! 

The team behind Club Indulge are doing what they can to make a 'fat friendly' night for anyone that wants to attend and it was nice to see old and new faces at the event. If you haven't checked it out then I would recomemnd going to their next one in July - I have even had the DJ 'pinky promise' me that he is going to Dolly Parton 9-5 next time! 

It seemed only right that I wore my brand new, bargain dress - and I loved it! It's slightly different to my usual style (not enough cleevage) but it fit well and was comfy to wear. It definitely has me tempted to try other New Look Inspire pieces! 

How was everyones weekend? 

Debz xx


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