Once You Go Black...

As I went out last night I wore two outfits yesterday... I debated between two short posts and one massive one & decided to split the posts up!

Once again I decided to showcase a pair of my new Love Ur Curves leggings and opted for the blue leggings with white hearts. I found this to be a great fit, but they are longer than the plain/block coloured leggings i also picked up. It wasn't a problem, but maybe something to be aware of.

As they are patterned leggings I had wondered what I would be able to wear them with. Earlier this week I picked up a black skater dress on sale for £20.00 in Evans and realised it would be perfect. Anyone who knows me, knows that wearing black isn't something I do very often, so i did have to dress it up with a large pink statement necklace.

The Evans dress was lovely, but a little baggy for me, So I tucked it with a belt and gave it a bit more shape. The LOVE necklace I picked up Primark ages ago and have been looking for an outfit to wear it with. I think the length of the dress allows you to see just enough of the leggings for the pattern to not be too overbearing. 


You'll have to excuse the poses - I am still getting used to this posing malarky!

I really enjoyed this outfit and can definitely see me using more black in my wardrobe with the right colourful pieces added to it!

Do you have any key colours, styles or patterns in your wardrobe?

Debz x

Leggings For All Occasions!

Earlier this week I blogged about the 4 pairs of bright coloured leggings I bought last week & as of yesterday I managed to wear a pair of them out!

As they're bright, I wanted to make sure that the rest of the outfit contrasted well with them without going to over the top.

In the end I decided to team the blue pair of leggings up with an AX Paris dress I picked up from Simply Be a few weeks ago. I absolutely adore the AX Paris range and if I could, would probably have every single one of their dresses in my wardrobe. The few dresses I have got all fit well and I like the way they nip in to give me a bust but flow over the rest of my body to be flattering.

I decided to team the dress up with the blue leggings as I thought they would be the ideal daytime outfit.

Leggings: Love Ur Curves
Dress: AX Paris
Necklace: Love Ur Curves
Belt: Yours Clothing
Shoes: Primark

I found the leggings a great size & really comfortable to wear. There was plenty of stretch in them, but not enough that they went see-through, which is every girl leggings nightmare!


Debz xx

Body Gossip Flash Mob - I'll Be There, Will You?

I have always wanted to go to a flash mob... the nearest I have been is watching one as I walked through St. Pancras train station once, but it isn't enough!

Then I heard that Body Gossip are holding a flash mob tomorrow in London and I know I had to be there! The Body Gossip team are fantastic for promoting body acceptance and positivity and as you all know by now, Natasha Devon is a bit of a hero of mine :)

So... On 28th June, we’re gathering outside the Southbank Centre (riverside) in London.

We’ll give each person who attends a large paper heart and ask them to write something they LOVE about their body on the heart.

At 1pm, everyone to hold up their heart for 3 minutes

I'll be there... Will you?

I haven’t been to anything like before, I am really excited to see what it’s like! I’ll try and get some photos and write up what it was like. Now I just need to decide what to wear!

If you were (or are) going; what would you write on your paper heart?

The team are working on this being an online flash mob too. See their page for all the details on how to be involved!

Debz xx

Leggings To Make Your Legs Stand Out

Everyone who knows me knows that I don't shy away from colour. I love colourful clothes, floral patterns and clothes that have something to say about themselves. In general I like to wear bright coloured tops and finish them off with a pair of dark leggings. I love this look because I think it is something that you can pull off for any occasion and depending how you dress up (or down!) an outfit this style can be suitable for day or nightwear.

However, when I saw these leggings on Love Ur Curves, I knew I had to try something new!

I have been on the search for bright leggings for a while now but haven’t been able to find anything that really grabbed my eye - especially without paying over the odds. I have bought a few pieces from Love Ur Curves, so when I saw these at 2 pairs for £15.00 I couldn't resist! They have a massive range of colours available; it was hard to pick just 4 I wanted!

My package came yesterday.. I also ordered 2 necklaces which are equally lovely. I love buying from Love Ur Curves because the items always arrive quickly (I ordered this Friday, it arrived Monday) and are well packed... Their colourful packaging always gets me excited when they arrive!

I have to say - the leggings do not disappoint! I ordered a size smaller than normal (doesn't everyone do that with leggings?) and they fit really well! There is also loads of stretch in the material so they're comfy and would fit a range of sizes. 

I love these 3 plain, block colour leggings and I can already think of a few dresses in my wardrobe that these would be suitable to wear with. The great thing about leggings of one colour like this is that they're easy to dress with almost anything and you don’t have to worry about patterns clashing.

I fell in love with these leggings straight away but worried about what I would be able to wear them with. Most of the clothes in my wardrobe are patterned, so I was worried about having an outfit that clashed just a bit too much. However, I went to Evans in Marble Arch yesterday and picked up a great dress that I can wear with these. I plan to wear it on Friday, so I'll be able to do a proper outfit post then!

If you're looking for plus size clothes with a difference then Love Ur Curvesis great. She also stocks some stuff that you see popping up on other sites, but generally with a lower price!

What do you think?

Debz x

These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things

Even though I love writing my blog and creating this BBW blog for you all to read, I really enjoy reading other peoples too! I think when it comes to fashion and people looking individual the online community has helped pave the way massively. I follow a range of blogs which reflect my interests so they're not all 'plus size' writers. That said I think the recent Blogger partnerships with plus size retailers goes to show how much 'fatshion' has come on thanks to the blogging community. 

For me reading blogs has helped in many ways - when I was younger it helped me to see that I wasn't the only fat girl who wanted to dress nice and now it allows me to be nosey into people’s lives and get hints and tips on where to shop and what to wear. Really important if you ask me!

If you have any blog recommendations (including your own) I would love to read them!

For now, I would love to give a little shout out to my 'blog-spirations', so that you can check them out!

(C) http://www.diabetesmine.com/2012/02/a-few-of-our-favorite-things.html

Ginger Girl Says

I have known Charl for very many years, although how we met is probably best left unsaid! Mainly because she is much cooler now and I wouldn't want to ruin her reputation. I love Charls blog because for me it is a great mix of beauty and lifestyle. Her writing style keeps me gripped and the layout of her blog makes it easy to read & keep track of. I really love reading her opinions on dating & what is going on in her (and her puppy Ted's) life... Definitely worth a read!

Diamonds And Pearls

There are many 'plus size' fashion blogs that you can read but for me, Naomi from Diamonds and Pearls hits the nail right on the head. I am not sure if it’s because she always has great photos to show the products she’s reviewing or if it’s because she is a similar size to me, but I can always relate to what she is reviewing/saying and for me that makes the blog well worth reading. Naomi is fantastic at piecing together outfits and styles so if you're interested in fashion and looking for new inspiration then give her blog a read!

U Can't Wear That

U Can't Wear That is a brand new blog but already I can see it growing into something amazing. Lucia from U Can't Wear That is not afraid to push fashion boundaries and show people that you can wear whatever you want, whatever your size. I like her no nonsense approach to wearing what she wants and personally always look forward to what she is going to write about next.

From The Corners Of The Curve

I think what I most like about From The Corners Of The Curve is the honesty in Callie's writing. Like any normal girl she has ups and downs and she isn't afraid to say on her blog when something isn’t right for her. That said, her blog is full of positivity (or latest swimwear post is great) and it is a fantastic way to read up on all sorts of topics including plus size fashion - well worth checking out!

I am sure there are plenty more blogs out there which are amazing and 'do the job', I know I read plenty of them. However these are the ladies that spring to mind when I think of the blogs that have given me the most inspiration.

Any blog recommendations? I'd love to know!

Am I The Only One Left Confused By Online Dating?

I know, two blogs in one day can be over the top, but when inspiration hits me - I just have to type!

Anyone who knows me will tell you I have a chequered past when it comes to dating. I am, what you would call an online date. I am on and have been on different dating websites in the vain attempt to meet my Mr Right, or at least someone who wants to take me out for dinner!

And then, I have afternoons like today where I have conversations like this and I am left wondering if online dating is the way forward.

Conversation One

Him - Love a bit of bounce
Me - k
Him - You like skinny boys?
Me - I like polite boys, which actually rules you out
Him - What have I said that isn't polite? Please don't rule me out
Me - 'Love a bit of bounce" Would you say that as the 1st thing you said to someone in a club
Him - Probably
Me - I'm not your type anyway, so let's just leave it as that.
Him - Why are you not my type? I really fancy you
Me - (I quote from his profile" "Would prefer someone who keeps in shape but not so much that they have big muscles. No whales, sorry. I like to weigh more than the girl I am seeing"
Him - That's just a joke. You are very much my type, I like them big
Me - You referred to girls as whales just to make a joke? That makes you not my type. Happy fishing.
Him - you look fun but you seem like you take yourself a bit seriously. Don't know why you're being grouchy. Give me a chance and let me take you out
Me - No.
Him - I haven't been rude to you, your acting like I've done something awful. I'm here to find a relationship
Me - You referred to girls bigger than you as a whale, I'm not interested in anyone who refers to fat women in this way.
Him - Can I send you some flowers to say sorry?
Me - No.
(More mindless conversation....)
Him -  I'm a nice person. You're hurting my feelings a bit
Me - Boo Hoo Hoo
Him - What size are those boobatrons?
Me - Whale sized.
Him - I don't care about peoples size. I just want someone to cuddle
Me - If you don't care about peoples size then you shouldn't mention on you profile that you don't want to date a specific type of person and use derogatory term to get your point across.

I'm still not sure what this 'man' wants... whether he's trying to be amusing or he's just not very clever? All I know is that this unorthodox approach to messaging girls on dating websites doesn't seem to be exclusive to him!

Borrowed from www.guardian.co.uk :)

Conversation two today:

Him - I'm a big lad, not many can handle it
Me - I'm here to date not talk about the size of your penis
Him - Liar.
Me - Nope.
Him - You know you wanna date a toyboy hung like a horse
Me - Nope. I want to date a decent guy who is nice and fun to be with.

Why, Oh Why?

Sadly, these two men are not alone - and I know that many females reading this will be nodding with acknowledgement that they have had similar messages or conversations (Guys... Is it the same for you? Are us women just as odd?).

I don't know when it became acceptable to ask a woman's bust size, or how much she weighs when messaging her. I don't understand why people who message others on dating websites don't use the same rules for conversation making as they would in real life. You probably wouldn't ask a girl what size bra she wears before asking her how she is in a club, so why should a message on a dating website be any different?

I'd love to hear your dating experiences!

Debz x

Breaking Barriers in Belgium

Yesterday, I went for a day trip to De Panne in Belgium. When we booked it, it was supposed to be a lovely day, on the beach in the sunshine! However, the great British summer did it's best to ruin it for us! Despite the rain though, it was a lovely day!

While walking through the main town centre in De Panne spotted a shop that seemed to have plus size mannequins in the window (WIN!) so we wandered in. To be honest, I wasn't convinced they would have anything in my size (on a high street.. surely not!) but I was drawn in by the amazing colours of all the clothes they had... I know, plus size clothes on a plus size mannequin in a colour other than black... MIND BLOWN!

Breaking The Barriers

Anyway... All of the clothes were labelled in S, M, L, XL etc so I had no idea on what the real sizes were... But remembering my 'Dress Sizes Are Pants' post, I decided that didn’t matter and I would simply see if they fit me rather than pay attention to the sizes of the label.

The great news is that I came home with two amazing t-shirts (I could have shopped more but we were pushed for time). As you'll see from the pic, the colour and slogan on these is right up street.

I really love the colour and print on both of these t-shirts! They're a bit short to wear with leggings (personal preference) so I shall be investing in some jeans to wear this with! I haven't worn jeans in over a year, but I figure it's all about breaking barriers so I'm going to do it! I'll do a proper outfit post when I have the jeans and give these amazing t-shirts their debut!

I came away with some other amazing bits and pieces from the trip... I arrived back in London last night a very happy girl :)

I'd love to hear about you breaking the barriers clothes purchases & style choices!

Hope you all had a good weekend

Debz xx

Dress Sizes Are Pants.

(Warning, this posts contains big pants (although not me wearing them), do not read on if you don't want to see photos of big knickers!)

If you have any interest in plus size fashion (or indeed 'normal' fashion for want of a better word) then you have probably read all sorts of theories and opinions on dress sizes. We all know that dress sizes are how we decide what to pick up off of a rail in a shop - but exactly what use are they?

I learnt a few weeks ago that there is no set rules for dress sizes. You would assume that there would be some kind of industry standard when it comes to dress sizes and the measurement that each dress size must be, but actually there is nothing! I don't just mean when it comes to plus size, or bigger sizes I mean in general - there is nothing to say that a certain size of dress should match a certain industry standard of measurement.

Breaking The Mould

For ages now I have been told by my fellow fatties to ignore clothes sizes and just go with what fits but I'll be honest, that has always been something I struggled with. When looking on clothing rails or websites I always assumed that if they didn't have 'my size' then there was no point parting with my hard earned cash. However the truth is that there is no such thing as 'my size' because the sizes from store to store and even cut of dress varies so massively.

Last week I was told by a friend that she wears Primark knickers... now, as this friend and I are similar sizes and I know that Primark generally go up to a size 20 in underwear I wasn't sure whether to believe her claims! However she insisted that their stretchy underwear made the perfect fit.

For £1.70 a pair I couldn't resist trying and today went on an underwear shopping spree.

Anyone who knows me, knows I love colour and so these knickers were right up my street (I also came away with some rainbow socks, but the less said about them the better).

All of these are in an 18-20 (They might come in a 20-22 I'm not sure, they didn't have any in the Primark I visited) and they all fit! Now, you have probably guessed I am quite a bit bigger than a size 18. But these knickers fit perfectly and their patterns are fun and exciting, just what you want from fun underwear like this! 

So.... Lesson learnt from me for sure!! It is much harder with online shopping but when you are out and about and can feel the clothes give them a stretch, hold them up to your body and see how they will fit you... The labels mean nothing, if it fits it fits! Online shopping is harder but read blogger reviews and trial and error will soon have your wardrobe bursting with clothes in an array of sizes!

Have a great weekend

Debz xx

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Fat Is Not A Feeling

Today I read ‘When Your Mother Says She’s Fat’ an open letter by a lady to Kasey, to her mother. If you haven’t read the letter then please take 2 minutes to read it, it’s inspiring.

The letter covers Kasey’s body image issues, how she feels they stemmed from her mother’s ever-present hatred of her own body and how Kasey does not want those to project onto her 3 year old granddaughter.

In the letter Kasey uses the words ‘fat is not a feeling’ and that is true. All too often we are taught that if we are fat then we should feel sad and uneasy with our body. Eventually this manifests itself into ‘fat  = sad’. Before we know it, if you’re overweight then you must be sad.

The truth is that fat is a body type – it is not a feeling or an emotion.

You cannot ‘feel’ fat.

You can be fat and that being fat can make you feel sad (or happy) but you cannot feel fat.

In the letter Kasey touches on wanting to have a better body image for her daughter in the future and it would be lovely if we could all strive for this. If you are someone that has ever looked in the mirror and hated what is looking back at you, why would you want someone else – the next generation even – to feel the same way that you do.

We are in a time that is lucky to have access to all sorts of media which looks at body image in a positive light, but it is not enough... All too often we read tweets about a celebrity that has gotten too thin or someone that has put on a few pounds and is now too fat. I know that we’ll always live in a world where we look other people’s body types, but I would love to live in time when it wasn’t the most important aspect of someone.

In Kaseys letter she describes hearing her mother despair that she was fat, old and ugly. From that very moment, just a young child Kasey linked them together. If you were fat you were ugly. 

It didn’t matter that you could be fat and successful, or fat and happy, or fat and healthy or fat and the queen of your very own world, all she saw was that fat was ugly – and she never wanted to be there. She was just a child who hadn’t even had time to live through the trials and tribulations of high school and she had already been taught that if she ever made the ‘mistake’ of being overweight.

Instead of talking about body hate in front of our children, or even our friends let’s try and think about what we do like about our bodies... Trust me, you can be fat and happy with your body it just sometimes takes a little practice and a nudge in the right direction.


Debz xx

Abercrombie And Bitch...

Over recent months you may have read about some of the comments made by the CEO of fashion brand Abercrombie and Fitch. I think it will be obvious to almost anyone that a designer brand like this will only stock smaller sizes - they're not the first and they certainly won't be the last designer fashion label to have no plus size clothing on their clothing rails.

If you are fat, or very short or very tall then you probably know what a struggle clothes shopping can be. I think (and I speak from personal experience) that things are getting better, but often if you aren't the 'norm' then shopping on the high street isn't always easy! That said, most of these brands simply go about their business stocking what they want - they don't have to make comments about the people they don't cater for and why they don't.

Only For Cool Kids

Mike Jefferies, CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch was quoted as saying "In every school there are the cool and popular kids, and then there are the not-so-cool kids. Candidly, we go after the cool kids,” the oh-so-attractive executive said. “We go after the attractive all-American kid with a great attitude and a lot of friends. A lot of people don’t belong (in our clothes), and they can’t belong."

The comments came about when asked why they don't stock anything above an 'large' in their stores. This roughly equates to a size 14-16. Mike Jefferies comments struck a chord with many people, who once thought they weren't 'cool' because they wore XL sized jeans.

Being unable to shop in normal stores or within designer fashion ranges is no big revelation to anyone who is plus size and it will more than likely never change (although we can hope!). However what I feel is sad is that Mike Jefferies feels it is OK to suggest that anyone who is plus-sized isn't cool. 

Mike Jefferies - CEO Of Abercrombie & Fitch
The truth is that actually you are as cool as you want to be. As an adult you should have an open mind and have learned not to judge people by the size of the clothes that they wear. We are no longer in high school and we no longer have to worry about fitting in with the cool crowd. I am sure as adults, we all have friends of different shapes and sizes. We like them because of who they are and not what they wear - so even if they can't fit into this ultra cool range of clothes!

Body Acceptance

The notion that you have to be thin to be cool and fit in is something that is so outdated. To suggest that you are not popular because you are fat or that you don't have a 'great attitude and a lot of friends' because you are plus size is ridiculous.

Body acceptance has come on leaps and bounds in recent years, but it is people like Mr Jefferies who think they have a right to put people down that show us that we still have so far to go!

These comments made a few years ago have been picked up by the media over recent months and now stars like Ellen and Miley Cyrus have joined the campaign to Boycott the fashion label over the comments. Mike Jefferies claimed that the brand was "exclusive", but it seems that he could have excluded more people that he realised.

What Do You Think? xx

A Weekend Of Indulgence

Yesterday, I attended the first Indulge Pop Up Plus Size Market in Kentish Town. The idea is that people get together to swap clothes, buy each others unwanted clothes and grab a bit of a bargain in the process - after all, one mans trash is another mans treasure.

It was the first event of this type but it was a fun afternoon - a few people even came in off the street to have a browse. I believe the next one is due to be on the last Saturday in August so if you can make it I would definitely recommend it! 

Keep an eye on the Club Indulge Facebook for details and dates :) 

While I was there, I had my beady eye on a lovely pink sparkly dress that fellow blogger Lucia from U Can't Wear That was selling. 

The coral shade, popcorn knit dress with all of its sequins caught my eye straight away! In the end I swapped it for a flower skirt that I no longer wanted - so we were both happy! 

After a quick disco nap at home I then hot footed it back across town to attend the 3rd Club Indulge club night. As 'BBW nights' go, I think people know I have very mixed feelings, but I always have a good time at Indulge. With an upstairs bar where we could sit and chat and a basement dancefloor it has everything you could hope for from a night out! 

The team behind Club Indulge are doing what they can to make a 'fat friendly' night for anyone that wants to attend and it was nice to see old and new faces at the event. If you haven't checked it out then I would recomemnd going to their next one in July - I have even had the DJ 'pinky promise' me that he is going to Dolly Parton 9-5 next time! 

It seemed only right that I wore my brand new, bargain dress - and I loved it! It's slightly different to my usual style (not enough cleevage) but it fit well and was comfy to wear. It definitely has me tempted to try other New Look Inspire pieces! 

How was everyones weekend? 

Debz xx
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Size Doesn't Come Into It!

I must have missed it the first time around, but apparently not so long ago a film critic refered to Melissa McCarthy as a 'hippo'. 

Back in February, film critic Rex Reed reviewed Ms McCarthy's new film, Identity Thief  Apparently he was less than impressed with the film and certainly didn't hold back on his feelings!

Whilst you could say that the long standard film critic was only doing his job I think that calling her 'tractor sized' and a 'humongous creep' was taking things too far! Personally, I haven't seen the film so I don't know if it is any good or not, but is Mr Reed there to review the size of Ms McCarthys waist or her more than obvious talent for acting?

Melissa McCarthy made a name for herself when she stared in hit American comedy Mike & Molly, from there she went on to film Bridesmaids which saw her really be recognised as the fantastic actress that she is. 

There can be no denying that the actress is on the heavy side and even she doesn't shy away from mentioning it in interviews.

"Sometimes I wish I were just magically a size six and I never had to give [my weight] a single thought"But I am weirdly healthy, so I don’t beat myself up about it -- it wouldn’t help, and I don’t want to pass that on to my girls."

Other comments that Rex Reed used in his 'review' include called her 'obese and obnoxious with equal success' and refering to her as a female hippo.

What I do not understand is why people allow such garbage to be printed? 

This 'gentleman' is paid to review films & very good he apparently is at it. However to me that means she can comment on the plot line, the acting and everything else surrounding the film. However big or small the characters are in the film does not come into it, especially when you want to make such damaging and hurtful remarks, which add no substance at all to your write-up!

Real Women Have Curves!

As someone interested in positive body image online you invariable end up following a few Twitter accounts, liking Facebook pages and following Tumblr accounts of people with the same interest and inspirations. This is a fantastic way to get ideas on what to write about and to see how other people feel about body image and their own bodies.

For many years now I have read blogs and Tumblr pages on body image which feeds you a varied range of quotes, photos and stories on how other people feel about positive body image and their own bodies.

When you start to follow these pages you tend to see the same things over and over again. There are a number of quotes and photos which tend to be used in the name of body image, but that I downright disagree with.

The truth of the matter is real women do not have curves. All women are real women and whether you are thin, curvy, short, tall or out and out fat you are a real woman. 

In actual fact bones are not just for dogs - there are plenty of men out there that find thin women attractive! And that is without me even getting onto the subject of referring to women as 'bones'.

Quotes like this can be found all over the internet!

It makes me sad that we have to justify our liking of our body (or that body type in others) by using quotes to put down other peoples bodies.

I read something on Tumblr once which simply said 'All Bodies Are Good Bodies' and I cannot agree more. 

I have hundreds of quotes saved on my computer which promote the fact that our weight does not define us and that beauty is not measured by the size of our jeans & I cannot agree more! What I feel we cannot do is use the flip side of this to put down people who are thinner than 'us'... 

If our weight does not define us, then how come you're only a 'real' woman if you have curves? It makes no sense to me!

There is no need to compare yourself to others!

I have seen many comparisons between Marilyn Monroe and models today. Many of them claim that Marilyn Monroe is the ultimate curvy goddess and that thin women of today pale in comparison! The truth is that, both body types will be attractive to different people.

No, No, No and no again!

I fully stand behind loving your body for everything it is and loving yourself for who you are... This fighting body types against one another is only making the fight for body positivity so much harder... If you are fat then you are no better worse than someone who is thin, it just doesn’t work like that. 

There is so much that makes you a good, decent person & the dress size you wear has no bearing on this whatsoever!

So.. a nice cheerful blog post for today! haha

Debz xx

3 Faves (Club Induldge Competition)

I plan to go to the 3rd Club Indulge in a couple of weeks, so I thought I would enter their competition to win a pair of tickets!

I love things that are free & I love Saturday night raves

Which is why I am now listing my 3 faves.
On top of the list, in a firm number 1
Is the people with which I have the most fun
At number two, almost top of the pops
Is my slight obsession with wearing flip flops
And without a doubt on this list that I have to make
I have to mention my quite obvious love of cake!

So there you have it, a list made for fun
Now I’m off for a cider in the sun ;)

Size Doesn’t Matter – As Long As You’re Under A Size 20.

Yesterday, I attended a talk called ‘Size Doesn’t Matter’. I had never been to anything like this before, but I saw it advertised online and thought I would go and see how it went (Mainly because I love Natasha Devon and wanted to see her speak live).

Before I attended I thought I had no expectations of the event or any thought on what it would be like, but as I left feeling that something wasn’t quite right I realised I had built up a whole host of expectations in my head.

I should point out that this is my personal review and that many people I spoke to on the night really enjoyed it – so I think it is my personal perception and expectation which led me to feel unsatisfied by it, but never the less I attended, it seems appropriate for this blog so I thought I would review it!

The 2 and a half hour event was packed full of different people talking about their experiences of body image and what it meant for them. On paper, it seemed fantastic and something that I would definitely love to be involved in. I am sure most of you by now realise that I am very much a love your body advocate and have for many years felt comfortable in my own skin.

One of the first things that made me feel uncomfortable was Carole Spenser talking about supermodels being a ‘genetic abnormality’. She spoke about them having odd giraffe like necks and shoulders that were too wide. To me, it seems an odd approach to take on a talk that was about loving your body shape no matter what, and that everyone is beautiful in their own way... So, to call anyone a ‘genetic abnormality’ seemed an unusual way to promote this...I understand you would not want to promote an eating disorder/starving yourself to have the body of a catwalk model but this really did seem a strange way to talk.

That is without explaining her choice of outfit (lose and unclingy) being chosen because she had eaten too much.Maybe I misunderstood that point of the talk, but if you have indeed eaten ‘too much’ then you should still be able to wear what the fuck you like – because you are beautiful anyway so why hide it?

Natasha Devon gave a talk which I loved – her campaign to bring body positivity into schools I think is a fantastic one and one that is long overdue! One of their slogans actually matches one of my tattoos (Be-You-Tiful) which I had before I even know about Body Gossips campaign.... However it seems that you can only spread the ‘Be-You-Tiful’ slogan on your clothing if you are under a size 22. I understand that there are probably budget restrictions and more surrounding this, but it did seem a massive shame.  (I am only saying this out of bitterness, because I want a black and bright pink version of their top which I can’t have L)

After the first break there was a talk from two sisters who run a company/campaign called ‘Beyond Chocolate’ which is about breaking free of diets... All very well, but they talked about how to eat the ‘right foods’ and have the ‘right’ approach to eating...  Their book is called 'how to stop yo-yo dieting and lose weight for good', but I wasn't (I didn't think) coming to a talk about diets and the right approach, I thought it was about feeling good about yourself, whatever - even if you choose not to diet! Again, maybe I misunderstood the point of the talk, but I would assume  a talk headed ‘Size Doesnt Matter’ would also be about being able to be plus size and still do what you want to do if that is your choice.

I loved the paintings showcased by Sarah Jane Szikora, but the audience reaction to laughing everytime a fat lady painting was shown I wasn’t sure how to take. Raised eyebrows from people who obviously had the opinion that, the body shape was wrong was also very noticeable. I understand that audience reaction can’t be helped, but it did make me wonder if I had come to the right place.

I loved most of what the messages were about – poems by Hollie McNish were fantastic, Linda Papadopoulus’ talk was great and comedian Deborah Frances White had a great reaction from the few hundred strong crowd.

My only wish is that the messages conveyed had been more tailored to everyone. In my personal opinion it seemed that most of the messages were about being happy in yourself and loving your beautiful body as long as you’re healthy, you aren’t too fat and you think about what you are eating so as not to overeat.... Yes, a fantastic message to portray and I can’t knock that but perhaps the title of the show ‘Size Doesn’t Matter’ (to me) was a little misleading. To me, a positive body image is about everyone, of every shape and size loving themselves for what they are. So if you’re a ‘genetically abnormal’ supermodel or someone who sits and eats Lindor chocolate all day, that really is OK because you are you, and that is all you can ever be.

I would love to have seen a wider spectrum of people talking however I guess I have to understand the limitations. If you haven’t been to an event like this, then I would say go along to a Be Real Talk – they’re easy to find, affordable and the whole night was well organised and ran smoothly, but for me it was something that didn’t match my expectations. However I fully understand that is more than likely my understanding of what it was about, so if you haven’t – then give it a try!

Happy Hump Day

Debz x
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