Body Bashing Doesn't Just Happen To You!

First of all, thank you to everyone who read, shared, liked and promoted my 'Open Letter to OK Magazine' article - over 1300 people have read my blog since yesterday - thank you so much! If you're new to The (Not So) Secret Diary Of A Wannabe Princess, then hi!

Yesterday I had quite a few messages and comments from people who agreed with me, that body bashing is not OK - although it seems that not everyone thinks and feels the same way!

After a night out last night I logged onto Facebook to see that a gentleman felt the need to body bash a beautiful group of ladies. A friend of mine manages a girl band called Concrete Rose and they excitedly posted some photos of their gig up last night on Facebook
Concrete Rose & Shayne Ward at their gig last night!
It is quite obvious, even at first glance that these ladies are beautiful - but it seems that not everyone agrees!

I have blocked out his name,
but the comment is still on the Facebook page ;)
I have blocked out his name,
but the comment is still on the Facebook page ;)

I think sometimes it takes something like this for me to take a step back and realise that everyone can encounter the same problems as me. It is sometimes easy to assume that the only people judged for the way they look at the people who don't meet the medias standard of beautiful - yet here you have a group of beautiful, thin, smiley, talented girls and still a man attempts to bring them down because of the way that they look.

The truth is that when it comes to body issues and body bashing - all of us suffer! There are so many people out there that want to bring others down for the way that they look - and not just if you're too fat. So many people it seems live their lives judging people for the way that they look and by the looks of it, it takes the bravery of being behind a computer screen for people to come out and say these nasty, spiteful needless things.

So, whoever you are - whatever you look like - hold your head up high and love who you are. We are all fighting the same battle when it comes to body bashing and feeling confident, so recognise your strengths and ignore those that try to bring you down.


Debz xx

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