Once Upon A Time...

Once upon a time.. I had a blog! And then I deleted it... Because, well let's not get into that!

Anyway, today I read a news story which made me want to rant - which for those of you who know me, will know isn't rare! I realised I didn't really have anywhere to rant and it made me realise I missed my blog! 

So.... The Not So Secret Diary Of A Wannabe Princess is back!

For those that didn't read before here you can expect lots of rants on current news stories, body positive stuff and while I remain a singleton (for the foreseeable future) some funny, interesting and slightly strange online dating stories!

You'll learn that I type too much, I am as opinionated as hell, I love to take photos of myself, I 'collect' body positive quote photos and I write a lot of nonsense! :D

So... What's New?

Well, since my last blog I turned 30! I know.. scary stuff!! And I moved to the capital city!! 

I have officially been a Londoner for 10 months now... and I am loving it!! 

I am properly single - no dating drama in my life thank you very much!

I don't wear jeans anymore!! 

I love dresses :)

Anyway - so welcome (back) to my blog! I hope you like it - If you don't then Alt F4 is your friend!

Debz xxx


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