Dear Katie Price...

Dear Katie Price

The chances of you reading this are second to none, but when I read your column in The Sun newspaper today, I felt I had to say something.

I know that you cannot be responsible for the body image of the world, but you can be responsible for the part you play. As someone who chooses to live their life in the public eye you have chosen to become a role model. You did not find this fame by accident; you did everything that you could to be a household name. And you have done brilliantly at it and I respect the celebrity name you have built for yourself.

But please know that the words you say (or print) cut deeper than you ever know. There are girls, women and even men who look up to you as a role model and pay attention to what you say. Should you hold back on your opinion? Maybe not... but didn't you ever learn if you have nothing nice to say then don't say it at all.

You are in a privileged position to be able to afford surgery and procedures to change the way that you look - not everyone has this luxury. I won't deny that you work hard for your body, I am sure that you do - but what you choose to do with your body is not for everyone and you should recognise this.

As a lady with a young daughter growing up in this ever critical world, it is my wish that you use your influence to help females learn to love their body. The truth is that a majority of your fans are probably bigger than a size 10. They read your comments about being 'flabbergasted' at a female’s body and they feel not good enough because of what you say. You have the power to break someone’s body image of themselves. The truth is that actually Kelly Brook has a fantastic body, one that is many sizes smaller than the UK average.

I know that you should not feel responsible for the body image of the world, but surely you prefer your daughter to grow up in a world where females (and males) are taught to embrace their bodies and love everything that they are... Not to hate themselves because they are a size 10 'heffer'.

I am not saying you should advocate obesity, or shout from the roof tops about how being overweight is great... but what is wrong with teaching women or at least helping to influence women to know that their body is good? 

What if a size 12, 16 year old reads your comments and realises that her idol thinks she is a 'heffer'. You could send that poor child on a slippery slope of self hate and who wants that?

If you ever read this open letter, which I know you won't I hope you realise that what you say and what you do does influence the world. You chose to put yourself on this fame pedestal, so now you are up there please try to use it for good. 

Let's teach a generation that there is nothing wrong with loving the way you look. That we can appreciate a whole range of shapes and sizes and that as women we should stand together to be strong against a world that is constantly telling us the way we look is wrong, rather than women who bully each other because we aren't the 'perfect' dress size the cat walk models tell us we should be. 

There is room for everyone, and there is no need to publically bully someone (through whatever medium) because they don't look the way you feel they should.


Debz x


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