Happy Valentines Lovers & Losers ;)

Happy Valentines ladies and gents. 

I hope whatever you got up to was amazing, lovely and fun! Whether you spent this valentines in a relationship or you spent it loving yourself, I hope you used it as an excuse to show someone, somewhere some loving! 

I was very lucky to get some amazing presents off of my flatmate and her boyfriend which made me smile lots! 

What made my day most was waking up and realising how I spent valentines 2 years ago. I actually don't want to talk about that, as that is not what this blog is about! 

All I will say to anyone who woke up 'alone' this Valentines is that waking up in your own bed all by yourself is better than spending your time in a unhappy relationship where you are constantly left unsure of yourself.

Anyway, back to 2013 and what is happening right here, right now.

I had an interesting date last week... which left me with the reassurance that this dating game hasn’t gotten any easier!! The 'man' got very drunk before he met me - apparently due to nerves & had to leave after an hour because he was so drunk. Leaving me, all dressed up and nowhere to go – Boooo to him!!

But you know it's all part of lifes rich and interesting tapestry. I certainly haven’t given up on love and relationships just because of a few interesting dates!

Me in Lille yesterday
I spent yesterday in Lille eating and drinking my way around the city which was lovely! Over the weekend I spent both Saturday and Sunday very, very drunk – which made me wake up on Monday morning with the realisation that I am far too old for partying hard – I miss my youth!!

So anyway, Happy Valentines Day - Love yourself always, everyone and everything else is just a bonus!!

Debz xx


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