Fighting Fire With Fire

Thanks to my amazing friends for their RT's on Twitter for the link to my previous blog post and thanks to random people RT'ing it and even Jodie Marsh commenting on it, over 600 people have read my previous post already - How exciting!! 

Unsurprisingly over the last day or two, plenty of people have had plenty to say on the subject. Newspapers have used Jordan’s comments for headlines and members of both Team Price and Team Brook have taken to mediums like Twitter to share their views.

In a way, I suppose it is a good thing that it has gotten people talking about body image and the expectations that many of us put on our own and other people’s bodies. However what it pains me to see is the fighting fire with fire tactic.

If you are angry at Miss Price for her comments to Kelly then that is OK! If you are upset because her comments hit a nerve with you then that is OK! If you want to tweet Jordan, write to her or put your disappointment online that that is OK! What is not OK is to hit out at the way Jordan looks - two wrongs do not make a right!!

If we want to make a stand for positive body image, then we cannot portray our anger towards Jordan by using detrimental words to describe her body or the choices she has made to alter her image. 

The truth is that no body type is better than another. We are all individuals and what we choose to do to our bodies is entirely up to us! 

Curvy body types are not better than thin and vice versa. Real women do not have curves! Every female is a real woman, despite her body shape - your body does not define you! 

So yes, tell Katie Price what you think of her opinions and have your say on what you think about her comments on Kelly’s body. But, do not use that as an excuse or reason to put down Katie’s body because in the long run that makes you no better than the horrible comments we are trying so hard to fight against.

Happy Saturday

Debz xx


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